Before we begin: ARTDOT provided these products to me for review, and set up an affiliate account for me, but I’m not being compensated for this review, and, as always, my opinions are my own! Do you take time off over the holidays to relax and decompress? I love to stay home and do jigsaw […]
Search Results for: year in review
review: Contoured Face Mask sewing pattern
I’ve been experimenting with various mask sewing patterns since April. With the possibility of a second wave of COVID-19 imminent as schools start up again, I decided to spend part of my Labour Day long weekend making a batch of masks I’ll really enjoy wearing, now I’ve settled on my favourite design. This is the […]
review: Susan Bates crochet hooks
Did you know there are now two new additions to the Susan Bates hook line? I had to investigate, and got out all my SB hooks to compare the new styles with my classics: Susan Bates crochet hooks have always been my favourites, because I find their in-line shape makes it much easier to make […]
book review: Making Pipe Cleaner Pets
As always, I was not compensated for this review, and the following is based on my honest opinions! Overview Making Pipe Cleaner Pets by Takashi Morito was originally published in Japanese, and has now been translated into English. I’ve previously reviewed another translated-from-Japanese craft book (Crafting with Cat Hair) and, like that book, this is […]
Commissions Review: 36 months
It’s been about 3 years since I launched my crowd-sourced model for crochet pattern commissions. The first 18 months went amazingly well, and the second 18 months didn’t – not through the fault of my system, but from all the other things that kept me from working on commissions (book-writing, health issues, etc). I designed […]
book review: Stuffed Animals
As always, I was not compensated for this review, and the following is based on my honest opinions! I’ve known Abby through craft blogging circles for years – you may also know her from her blog, While She Naps – and I’ve been eagerly anticipating this book since the day she first announced she’d be […]
Commissions Review: 18 months
I’ve now been running my commissions model for 18 months. Thanks to your pledges, I’ve designed 10 lovely new animal patterns so far: …and everything’s going swimmingly! Or, it would be, if I hadn’t unexpectedly been offered a crochet book deal I couldn’t refuse, a couple of months ago… My process, whether for writing a […]
Commissions Review: 12 months
(If you’re not interested in reading this whole review, let me just mention now that I’ve added lots of exciting new design options to the Commissions List, so please click through to the list if you’d like to see what’s new, and maybe pledge towards one or more!) It’s been a whole year since I […]