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Unique crochet patterns and craft tutorials by June Gilbank

The Essential Guide to Amigurumi: Crochet Toy Techniques from Basics to Advanced: right-handed/left-handed ebook by June Gilbank

USD $20.00

You are reading this review on June’s website, so I probably don’t have to tell you what great patterns she designs. Instead, why don’t I tell you why you should buy The Essential Guide to Amigurumi?

1) All of June’s helpful hints, suggestions, and workarounds (aka, advanced techniques that June has figured out while designing amigurumi) in one place. Offline. Accessible without internet.

2) Skills and techniques photographed for either right or left handed crocheting. Make sure you get the version designed for the way YOU crochet.

3) Chapters on enhancements. Hair. Eyes. Making fuzzy amigurumi. Making your amigurumi bigger, or smaller. And more!

4). New patterns, including a mix and match animal pattern.

5) Brand new chapters on designing your own amigurumi patterns! How exciting is this? (I think it is VERY exciting!

You won’t regret purchasing this book!
Date Added: 12/15/2023 by Corine S.