PlanetJune Shop

Unique crochet patterns and craft tutorials by June Gilbank

Gecko (lizard) amigurumi crochet pattern

USD $6.00  USD $5.50

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This pattern is so cool - I only started learning how to crochet about a month ago and now that i've got a bit more skill, I'm finding amigurumi and animal patterns like this super realistic gecko highly addictive! I wanted a break from making 'cute and cuddly' patterns and I think lizards are fascinating so I gave June's gecko a go and everyone I've shown him to is super impressed. The shape of the head, neck and body are just like a real lizard! Adding the wires or pipe cleaners to the legs adds to the realism too. Overall, for such a simple to follow pattern with no colour changes, this gecko is very impressive.
Date Added: 12/26/2015 by Josh C.