PlanetJune Shop

Unique crochet patterns and craft tutorials by June Gilbank

Eyelet Ripple Scarf Sweater DONATIONWARE crochet pattern

USD $2.00

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The pattern for the eyelet ripple scarf is very simple and straight forward - there's even a chart/diagram for the stich repeat.

The instructions to make a scarf into a sweater are excellent - super detailed, including where/what to measure (both on your body and on your scarf) - and work for *any* scarf really.

The only thing this pattern didn't include is the fact that this type of garment doesn't look good on me *sad trombone noise*. So, instead, I just have a very long scarf - but it's one of the comfiest scarves I own!
Date Added: 01/01/2024 by Kimberly B.