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Unique crochet patterns and craft tutorials by June Gilbank

Cactus Collection 2: FOUR realistic crochet patterns

USD $9.00  USD $8.50

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I've crocheted this set twice so far. The first one was so well-liked by the recipient and others nearby at the time I gave the gift that I was asked to make another for them (along with Cactus Collection 1). The cacti are very realistic, and the designer has highly detailed pattern and assembly instructions with photos. Assembly is my least favorite, albeit necessary, part of the process, so I'm happy that the pattern is well-written and clear so as to avoid spending my limited amount of crafting time trying to decipher what exactly the designer means to tell me. Also, it's great to be rewarded with such a realistic result after assembly; I liken it to magic how all the disparate parts come together so well. The Opuntia cactus (the one with oval disk-like pieces) is my favorite. As a caveat, my husband was surprised at the effect a pet slicker brush could give to amigurumi; me too - this is one of the many techniques I've learned from PlanetJune.
Date Added: 11/12/2013 by Jamie S.