Day 3

After another yummy breakfast, we headed to town to register for our marriage licence. It was absolutely boiling, so once we'd finished registering we tried to hide in air conditioned shops as much as possible. We had paninis for lunch from a French cafe bar inside the market, and bought a pear from a fruit stall for dessert.

After lunch it was more shopping, and we went to meet Stuart, our photographer. We each bought a pair of sandals, then we booked cinema tickets for Tuesday, had an ice cream, and headed back to the hotel.

We decided to go to The Rib Shak in town for dinner, as we'd enjoyed it so much last time, but in an uncanny repeat performance of our last holiday, when we got there we found it had closed down..! We went back to St Aubin and back to The Tenby Bars in the end, which was lovely again.

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